Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Movie Night

Tonight was movie night with some girls. I looked forward to it all day! Planning something fun on Monday nights is a great idea - it makes the day so much better! We went to see Nights in Rodanthe. It was a good movie - I liked it but I tend to like all movies. The movie was really sad. But I could not shed a tear...not a single one. I was sad and thought I should cry but nothing would come out. It was kind of a weird feeling. I think tears are a funny thing...I wonder why some people tend to cry more often than others. And I wonder why sometimes I cry alot and sometimes I can't cry at all. All that I do know is that I'm really thankful that sometimes I can cry (and trust me I can cry alot). And I'm just glad that God cares about all of my tears and that he counts every single one of them! (Psalm 56:8)

1 comment:

The Sages said...

Yay! So glad you're blogging & I didn't cry either!